Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shocking News of Potential Miracles

It cannot be!  How is this possible?  Have the gods answered Our Royal prayer?
My loyal subjects, Our missive today will be short and sweet, for Our mind is in such flutter We cannot be certain of Our composure and would prefer instead to remain mum.
The news from across the seas is being confirmed as We speak, but suffice it to say it is news of such import, such delight, and such shocking joy We are nearly jumping out of Our skin:
The Gold Standard will be returning to Aes Sidhe sometime in the coming months! That’s right, my Dear Ones: Nutella will once again grace Us with his presence!
We know not for what duration, but We do not care! 
Can you imagine it?
Our envoys have already been dispatched to ascertain the specifics of this news, but We are overjoyed at the prospect of once again laying eyes upon that most handsome of all men.
Could it be the gods have decided that the Royal We shall be allowed to have a second chance with The Gold Standard? If so, We will not squander it.
Get Me the seamstress! Fetch Me the cook! Call the stablemaster to My chamber!  Make haste! Make haste!  He comes…

“Do I hold you too tightly? When will the hurt kick in?
Life is beautiful, but it's complicated. We barely make it.
We don't need to understand: there are miracles, miracles.” ~Vega4

Monday, April 18, 2011

i want to talk a little bit about types of awakenings... namely, desire.

i have a habit of jumping into things before i am fully ready. i do this mainly because if i didn't, i would never jump at all. i am too cautious by nature, too wary. i over-analyze many things, especially when it comes to things about myself.  all people do this to some extent, of course, but i do it to a fault. hence, the jumping.

as you most certainly realize by now, this record is about my Solo Queen's re-entry into the world of dating. i started this exercise as a means of freeing myself from the shackles of my former life, and i have had much success with it thus far.

but there was a part of me which needed to catch up to the rest, and it has finally done so with a vengeance.  i am talking about libido, here, Dear Readers, and it's back. but before you dole out the applause on my behalf, i warn you... i have no idea what to do with it!

look, it's quite simple, actually. Judas took me off the market many many many moons ago. i therefore had no need to explore my sexuality with any other body but his. and since desire fades over time, my libidinous bloom faded with it. i imagine it was a slow death, but in the end i was left with a sense of... neutrality... when it came to sex with other men.  fast forward to present day. Nutella stirred something in me; he planted the acorn, so to speak.  such gymnosperms take time to sprout, and while mine loosened its tough, leathery shell in order to take hold of my softer, more feminine side i went ahead and put myself on the market, crossing my fingers the whole way.  it's been a dramatic, mostly fun ride thus far, and i am having a grand time. but something shifted inside me very recently, and now the safety catch is off.

i hate to be so blunt, but, here goes: i want sex.

raw. unfettered. unadulterated.
there. i've said it.  i have needs, people!  i cannot always be the prim and proper sovereign, the upstanding citizen, the honorable one. sometimes i just want to be a bad girl. to the devil with strength and grace just for once, eh?
this desire has been bubbling upwards for some time now, but something occurred recently which has sent me completely over the edge, something which has wandered into the picture and this time.... this time i want to be naughty. this time i want to say "to hell with it"! this time i want to lose myself within the embrace and scent of another human being who i know would fit. oh. so. perfectly.
gah!  what is WRONG with me?!?!  it's like an electric current coursing through me at the most inopportune moments, one which is making it hard to concentrate on much beyond my own debased passion.  this will not do.
this will not do! guards! guards! take this thing away or else slake its thirst! i care not which anymore...

"Violate all the love that I'm missing, Throw away all the pain that I'm living,
You will believe in me, And I can never be ignored" ~Garbage

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Brigadier General

There is another character to add to the mix of beautiful souls congregating within the halls of Aes Sidhe’s court. This fellow is in a special category and although his identity has remained secret up until this point, he holds a particularly ethereal and special place in our queen’s heart.
Our sovereign and the Brigadier General met whilst she visited a friend outside the borders of Aes Sidhe. Their meeting was unplanned, unvetted, and unsuspected. What came of this chance encounter was an immediate connection and affinity for one another. The delightful part to this story, Dear Readers, is that neither person came to the party presented in full regalia. No, in this instance not only did our queen travel without retinue and dressed as a simple noblewoman (as is her regular custom at such times), but the General did exactly the same thing! They met and enjoyed one another’s company as two human beings, not as leaders in their own lands. They were coequals that day, not due to the roll call of royal peerage, but simply as woman and man.  They volleyed topic after topic at one another, and each held sway over the other in aggressive subjects but delicate deliveries. This friendship blossomed into a gratifying long-distance correspondence, for the General hails from Aethelred, the land which borders upon Aes Sidhe’s western hills.  It is a nation both wild and free, yet full of discipline and trained legions of musketeers. This description fits the Brigadier General himself, for he is a man full of contradiction in form and figure. A bard, a philosopher, a guardian of the mountains and beasts that lie within his borders, a strong man with a boyish charm… these are all various facets of this complicated jewel of Adam. On the other side of the cut gullion he presents to the casual observer:  focus, fearlessness, a military drive composed of steel and gunmetal gray. He is intense, foreboding, and possesses a superior intellect. He is a true warrior-poet, bound by honor and blessing to balance the cruel realities of the earth while living by the standards of the heavens.
Recently, our Royal One received news that the General was going away for a long period of time beyond the shores of either Aethelred or Aes Sidhe to a desolate place full of violence and hatred… a place where the denizens despise the very concept of Aes Sidhe, or Aethelred, or any other judicious and beloved land. Oh horror! to a place of dust and rubble, where one can barely trust the sight before one’s own eyes never mind the sight beyond. And finally, to a place where the General knows he will be vilified as Enemy.  He leaves with a full tiger’s heart, but he leaves behind a fretful ally queen. He does not want her to worry, but worry she will. For how can she not? He has besotted her, and she him.  It was not intentional, but things don’t always happen the way we mere mortals plan them. Life often makes other decisions for us while we stare off in a different direction.
Now, Dear Readers, one could pull from this story the notion that our beloved queen has met her match. Fair of face, strength of body and character, honor, grace, intelligence, good humor… these are the very traits she seeks in a partner, and the Brigadier General embodies them all.  But we are deeply saddened to report on the queen’s behalf that There Is A Canonical Impediment. It is no one’s fault, not the queen’s, not the General’s, not Hera’s. But it exists, nonetheless, and so our story will have to remain unresolved to the secret desires of the Solo Queen or her sage counterpart. As friends they will venture forth, this man and this woman. But it is with perfect certainty we commit here to parchment that she will wait and worry for him while staring up at the stars during the coming months, and he will think of her while staring up into a different sky MMMMMMMCCC miles away from their shared borders.
Life is not always fair, Children, but our queen will take succor with this situation as best she can...

The picture is burned at the edge
And you’re looking away
Looking for what’s next
And strange how through time we look the same
Your eyes and mine looking away
Too scared to see human remains ~Tom McRae

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Hibernian Daredevil

While our queen sulks over the absence of Prince The Other White Meat and drowns her ill-temper in the arms of Prince The Real Megillah, another prince has come along to seek her hand.

Prince Hibernian Daredevil hails, like our sovereign, from the true soil of Aes Sidhe.  This makes him a suitable candidate for our queen as common ancestry can make for effortless company.  Prince HD came upon the court quite suddenly, as if the Powers That Be dropped him from the sky (literally! He is a daredevil after all) to… if not replace… then to distract the Royal Personage from her melancholia. He is clever and quick-witted like the others whose company she admires, but unlike the other princes of the realm he possesses in his writings an easy grace. Our queen knows not if this will translate into arrogance upon a First of Dates, but for the moment, at least, it has captivated her enough to gain her singular attention in the matter. Clearly he must have done something correctly if he is being mentioned here in the Honor Roll! He seems gentlemanly enough: well-spoken, educated, exceedingly well-traveled (this is not an exaggeration, Dear Readers, for how many persons in your acquaintance can admit to setting foot on all 7 continents with photos to prove it?!?), and funny. His mode of employ deals with calculations and figures, which we assume will prove to be beyond her ken. This is also potentially intriguing, as our queen enjoys being a pupil as much as a professor most days, and learning something new for her is like a cool breeze across a perspired brow.

There are rumors that our Lovely One and this new potentate will meet within VII days’ time. We shall keep you all apprised of her progress…

Well swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o
Swing a little more, a little more next to me
Swing a little more, little more o'er the merry-o
Swing a little more, on the Devil's Dance Floor ~Flogging Molly

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Awakenings

Spring has finally sprung in the land of Aes Sidhe, and the goodly denizens are all aflutter with happy activities outside the home.  Our queen sits quietly in a sunny spot on a temporary throne made of phoenix feathers and corn cob, simply dressed in a muslin shift and wrapped in blankets to stave the chill away. She has brought with her a favorite quill and a handful of parchment; she released her scribes to enjoy the sunny day however they choose to. She sees no need for dictation today, as she is content to rifle through her thoughts in contemplative silence.

So much to report, Dear Readers, but not certain where to start.

First, there has been a changing of the guard. Prince The Other White Meat and our sovereign are no longer in close communication with one another.  There could be a number of reasons attributed to this frustrating turn of events, but it all boils down to this: trust, or a lack thereof.  The details shall not be recounted here (at least, not yet. The wound is yet too fresh for our sovereign to scratch at, for she bleeds still), but the queen is upset with herself.  Actually, she is upset with Chronos, and has lodged a complaint with the Greek Pantheon. Six months, perhaps a bit longer.  That's when it should have happened, the meeting between queen and prince. Our ruler and the prince were well matched for one another, almost scarily so. But he required coaxing, and she was not ready to commit the effort. Nerves were exposed, words were exchanged, and in the end each ran in the opposite direction of the other, unfulfilled and riddled with angst. For what it's worth, however, the augurs suggest that this story is not yet finished. Perhaps there will be another chapter or two to be written on this prince. What can be expressed at this juncture, however, is that our beloved royal is dismayed by the lack of closure she experienced in this situation.  There was no definitive completion of the circle, merely a veering off to one side. No closed plane curves here.

Second, that the subsequent date with Prince The Real Megillah went very well, with both queen and prince much more relaxed around one another. The playfulness that initially attracted each to the other has resumed with gusto, and so their company is mutually enjoyed once again.  And this time, Faithful Readers, when the incorrigible prince sought another kiss... it was freely given.  There is now an understanding between both parties, and rumor has it murmurings could be heard long into the night within the queen's private chambers that evening. More on the subject later, as tawdry details are sparse but implied.

Can I move from my call? Cautious looks say it all. 
Cold control to impress; fate takes control of my moves for the rest 
One more blink of an eye and I'm in for the Kill 
My conscience kicks in and crumbles in my hands all feelings weaken 
And just in time to quench compassion 
See? I am breathing, seething, breathing, seething ~Skindive