Friday, February 25, 2011

The Lady Chamberlain

the Lady Chamberlain Adelheid Einrichtungsmanager ("Heidi") is a chief officer of the Royal Household. she is peer and privy councillor to our beloved monarch, second to Lady Eva in matters of the household but first in public functions of the court. in short, it is Heidi's job to make the kingdom run smoothly.

Heidi is a reluctant member of court. she is a woman schooled in business, mathematics, engineering, biology, and hard knocks. she prefers manufacturing over needlepoint. her expression is most often somber and serious, a countenance she must wear in order to control the marauding legions of soldiers she commands. in order to remain in power, she dusts her flaxen hair and soots her porcelain skin. Heidi is not a woman to be hampered by her looks; her beauty is either a hindrance or a weapon, depending on the motivation of those around her. but beautiful she is nonetheless, and nary a suitor can be found in this kingdom who has not at least once dreamed of taking the hand of this Chamberlain. it is known throughout the land that the queen considers her Lady Chamberlain to be her better in many matters; there has been speculation on both sides of the high seas that the queen and the Lady Chamberlain are actually related. they are often of one mind, and their combined acumen is magnificent to behold. enemies beyond the borders of Aes Sidhe (and even those within) quake at the sight of these two dazzling women standing side-by-side in full stainless steel armor. 
Heidi approves of the queen's current state at court.  she knows the story as well as any subject of the realm:  crowned queen long before she had ample opportunity to attend many balls, cotillions, pickinicks, or May Days, our sovereign is a woman of disparity. on the one hand, she is a just and benevolent ruler with a quick wit and sharp tongue. there is a famous story of our queen's travels through the Nubian Plains in which she was surrounded by a pack of hungry cat-beasts.  instead of panicking, our royal highness unslung from her shoulder a lute, and played a lullaby while crooning softly to the cat-beast matriarch. the famished creatures not only spared her life but pulled her royal sledge through the savannah with great haste; she has the pelts to prove it. on the other hand, especially in matters such as the Darkling Art of Enticement, she reveals herself to be rather unlettered and unschooled.  although Heidi remains steadfast to the queen at all times, she has been publicly quoted as saying the queen had been married off to Judas at far too young an age.  she is therefore amused and warmed by the queen's newfound attentions to ones such as The Other White Meat and The Real Megillah. Heidi reminds herself that in this effort the queen is like a young princess again; she is determined to make certain her liege does not stumble during public functions, and helps her practice her diction in the royal mirror every afternoon at teatime. she hopes the court continues to grow with many interesting, powerful, and seductive princes. she wants our sovereign to break bread at many tables, and revels in each schoolgirl peal that emits from HRH after meeting another fearless suitor. her job is to protect the Royal Personage from harm, and she takes this charge seriously. she will not tolerate popinjays or puppet rulers. she holds no opinion on either example of the current princely favorites, other than she is pleased they entertain her dear friend the queen. she hopes they will continue to afford her royal affiliate much amusement and sweet dalliance.

"Give me back my point of view 'cause I just can't think for you.
I can hardly hear you say 'What should I do?' Well... you choose" ~Jet

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