Friday, July 1, 2011

A Chapter Closes

The Queen consults Lady Chancellor Heidi, who puts the answer rather succinctly (as is her way):
“Nutella served a very specific purpose. He was an awakening, a realization, a temptation. He got the royal juices flowing, as it were, my Lady.  If I may be be so bold, you were finished with Nutella the day he left Aes Sidhe.  All that remains is the Gold Standard. And let us be clear: the Gold Standard is not a person, per se, but a concept. Yes, Nutella is a shining example of the Gold Standard, the one to beat. But he is not your One, m’lady.  He is is simply not your One.”
The Queen nods her head in agreement.
Nutella’s svengali-like hold on her is gone, and although she was very pleased to see him at the luncheon, she is once again in control of her emotions. Therefore he cannot mesmerize her as easily as he once did by merely existing in the same room with her.
She inquires over the length of his stay in Aes Sidhe, and her spy network reports back that he will remain as a guest for VII days, and then return to the land of Víteliú where he will now permanently reside. He stated to one and all (with more than a tinge of melancholia) at the luncheon that he will be unable to visit Aes Sidhe again for some time, that oceanic travel is not what it used to be with so many pirates and sea monsters trolling the waters now.  The ladies of court present at that speech sighed dramatically, and more than one dabbed at tears with linen handkerchiefs.
The Queen calls her steward and tells him to outfit Nutella’s ship with whatever supplies he will need for a safe journey back to his homeland. The steward asks if she wishes to send a message along with the supplies.  A small smile plays across her lips as she shakes her head “no”. The steward bows, and leaves.
The Queen stares after him then asks Lady Heidi, “What now?”
Heidi replies: “You are ready.”
The Queen cocks her head to one side, “Ready for what?”
Heidi smiles: “True love.”

You're gone from here.
Soon you will disappear, fading into beautiful light
'Cause everybody's changing and I don't feel right
So little time!
Try to understand that I'm trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

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